General Department of Vietnam Customs: 20 years of integration position enhancement

General Department of Vietnam Customs: 20 years of integration position enhancement 22/08/2014 02:39:00 4644

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It's been 20 years since the International Cooperation Department was founded and 30 years since the PR department of the General Department of Customs was established. Foreign affairs, relations, cooperation and international integration has greatly contributed in the process of reform and development of the Customs sector.

Rapid and sustainable integration

With the development of the General Department of Vietnam Customs, foreign affairs, cooperation and international integration has also formed, developed, associated with the process of regional and international integration

Since it was established, International Cooperation Department has acknowledged the importance of cooperation. The process of professional integration techniques was to make sure that all the procedures, management and legal system can catch up and harmonize with international standards.

Thus, the General Department of Vietnam Customs has collaborated with developed countries such as The US, Australia, France, Japan, Korea,… on professional learning, pattern clearance, management, organizational structure, training, modernization of customs activities…

In July 1993, General Department of Vietnam Customs joined WCO. This was an important mark of multilateral cooperation of the department.

Since then, the department has actively deepening integration into multilateral cooperation in customs in ASEAN, APEC, ASEM, GMS…Multilateral cooperation has reformed process to modernize Vietnam Customs through multilateral commitments, by approaching the customs administration of other countries in the region as a whole. 

Further empowering

Position of Viet Nam Customs in ASEAN has gradually improved through collaborative initiatives and integration, especially with the changes proposed in the mechanism of action to help these institutions operate efficiently and transparently. It was recorded by the ASEAN Customs Community.

According to the General Department of Customs, international cooperation has effectively served to the reform program and modernization of the sector; advising leaders better handling over international issues, accelerate of integration, strengthening customs administration efficiency; ensuring national protection requirements, promoting security and facilitating global trade.

In the near future, The General Department of Customs wants to continue empowering international cooperation of Vietnam Customs. International cooperation helps Vietnam Customs enlist and take advantage of the tremendous technical assistance from international organizations and customs administration; being proactive in the role and position of Viet Nam Customs.