Specific guidance for the dealing with accounting records lost or damaged

Specific guidance for the dealing with accounting records lost or damaged 22/09/2010 04:14:00 625

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The Ministry of Finance issued Circular 96/2010/TT-BTC on 05 July 2010 providing enterprises with specific guidance for the dealing with accounting documents which have been lost or damaged due to objective reasons (force majeures).


According to the Circular, enterprises which have accounting documents being lost or damaged as a result of objective reasons must take immediate actions as follows:


• The enterprises must duly notify the competent authorities within 15 days upon the incidents;


• The collection and restoration of the accounting documents must be conducted as much as possible with best effort of the enterprises. A committee must be set up to take care of this;


• Within 10 days from the date of establishment of such committee, a reconciliation of assets, account receivables and payables, equity must be made with confirmation of related parties in order to determine the balance of the relevant accounts and the loss/damage after the incidents;


• Accounting documents (if still readable) shall be copied, verified and signed off by the person taking care of the copying, head of the committee and other related parties, and then shall be considered as legal documents of the enterprises; and


• As for other accounting documents which are unreadable, the enterprises shall obtain copied versions from relevant parties (with verification). However, in case there is no available source for the copy, the committee shall prepare a declaration of the  lost/damaged documents.


This Circular takes effect after 45 days of its signing